Friday, March 7, 2014

Landscape Design Tips for Water Efficiency

We are well aware of the need to preserve water these days and what better place to start, than in your own backyard. Below are some tips to help you preserve water while maintaining the landscape of your dreams.

1. Plant Native or Regionally Appropriate Species of Plants

Plants native to your specific region and climate will naturally adapt to the soil and require less watering, are more resistant to bugs and disease and will require less fertilizer and attention to thrive.

For a list of native plants in your area, click here.

2. Group Plants Together Based on Watering Needs

You should always arrange your plants into separate groups based on their water consumption needs, or "hydrozones." This allows you provide different species of plants with their appropriate watering needs. For instance shrubs and turf areas should always be separated.

3. Planting Site Zone

Turfgrass requires the most amount of watering on a regular basis, so only plant turf in areas where it serves a function. Ground cover, shrubs, mulch, cacti and other low water solutions are available and can help add personality and individualize your landscape design. Native grasses will adapt better as well and stand up to drought better than non-native species. Consider xeriscaping your landscape as well.

"The fundamental element of Xeriscape design is water conservation. Landscape designers constantly look for ways to reduce the amount of applied water and to maximize the use of natural precipitation." -

Xeriscaping is becoming more and more popular, greatly reduces water consumption and still looks fantastic if done right.

Avoid Slopes

Steep slopes are a sure fire way for water to run off and create erosion. If you cant avoid sloped landscapes, consider deep rooted ground cover as your planting selection to help stabilize the slope and prevent erosion.

For more information on landscape design, outdoor living rooms, custom fire pits, outdoor burning systems and more, please contact us online or call today. 1-877-556-5255.



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